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Command Line Interface



Java 11 or newer.


Cloud Connector 2.1


Download the latest cloudconnector-2.1.* archive in the format of your choice

Download archive

Extract the archive and add the directory to you PATH.

Now you should be able to run

cloudconnector -v
in your console.


Download the cloudconnector_2.1.*.deb package.

Install the debian package either by clicking on it or by running dpkg -i ~/Downloads/cloudconnector_2.1.*.deb as root.


From the command line you can run cloudconnector.

Possible options:

 -d,--debug                  print debug information
 -f,--file <arg>             the configuration xml file, if not stated
                             "cloudconnector.xml" will be used
 -h,--help                   print this help message
 -l,--list                   list all available generators
 -md,--model-dump <arg>      create a model dump from the modeler, as
                             <arg> a directory is expected
 -o,--options <arg>          list all available generator options, as
                             optional argument 'generatorId/version' can
                             be used
 -p,--password <arg>         the password to log in with, if not stated
                             and the username is used, password will be
 -sc,--sample-config <arg>   print a sample '" + CONFIGURATION_FILE + "'
                             configuration file, as optional argument
                             'generatorId/version' can be used
 -u,--user <arg>             the username to log in with, if not stated an
                             authorization code will be used
 -v,--version                print the version of the cloud connector

For the first generation project have a look at Usage.