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You can find general information about the Virtual Developer Modeler by visiting its online documentation. The page you are looking at right now teaches you how a model’s elements affect the generated code. The generator Capability processes models that are made with the DSLs Basic, UI, Function, Persistence, Testing and Product. In the following sections only those modeling concepts are mentioned that are related to capability modeling. All other modeling concepts are documented in other parts of the generator documentation.

Modeling Concepts specific to Capabilities

Option Name Allowed Value Description
DefaultStorage Function and Persistence modules
Storage elements of type storage
DefaultBusinessLogic Function and Persistence modules
BusinessLogic elements of type businesslogic
ConsumedServices elements of type client
ProvidedServices elements of type implementation
ServiceApplications elements of type application-service
UserInterfaces UI modules
UiApplications elements of type application-ui
ConfigurationItems elements of type type this is not yet supported by the generator Capability
Features elements of type feature references modeled features, generates one enumeration [capability‑Name] that has an entry for every referenced feature

use the method
Boolean isFeatureActive([capability-Name]Feature feature) in Abstract[capability‑Name] to check whether a feature is active or not, features can be individually en-/disabled in each web application
IoTApplications elements of type application-iot this is not yet supported by the generator Capability