Mapping Objects of Data Sources

To fill DTO objects with data, you first need to get the data from somewhere, e.g. from a database or a webservice. Sometimes it is desirable to cache the loaded data in order to be able to use it for subsequent database or webservice calls. The AbstractDto class comes with a special field originalData that is meant to be used for such caching:

public abstract class AbstractDto implements Serializable {


    private Object originalData;


    public Object getOriginalData() {
        return originalData;

    public void setOriginalData(Object originalData) {
        this.originalData = originalData;



Apart from serving for caching, the originalData has another advantage. It maps a DTO object to an object that got retrieved from a database or webservice. So you needn’t write additional code to implement such a mapping.


Use the originalData functionality with care. If you use objects that use a big amount of memory and you want to store a DTO object for a long time, e.g. for the lifetime of a user session, you might be better off not using this functionality since it unnecessarily consumes memory.