Configuration - Web Application¶
Location of generated Files¶
In a Virtual Developer Cloud Connector, every of the following groups of files (so-called virtual projects) can be mapped to a separate Eclipse project or to a directory. By providing more than one virtual project you have the freedom to organize the generated code in the way you want.
Groups of Files (Virtual Projects) | Included File Types |
JSF Web App | Java classes for layout and behavior customization and for controlling the page sections other than center-center properties files for menu texts and for overwriting web page texts |
Selenium Tests | parameterized page objects, intergration unit test classes |
JSON Test Data | JSON test data files |
Maven | POM files to be able to build the Maven modules |
Generator Options¶
The following table describes generator options that are relevant for the generation of Java web applications. When you edit these options by means of the Virtual Developer Portal, you might find several occurrencies of an option on the options editing web page. This is not an error but means that one and the same option name is used for different parts of a generator. In such cases those options have the same meaning, but for a different part of the generator output.
Option | Description | Value Range | Default Value |
jsf-version | set this version to the version that is supported by your JEE application server | x.y, nominating major an minor JSF version | 2.2 |
target.uri.prefix | path for Java source code | a valid relative path | src/test/java for Java test code src/main/java for Java implementation code src/main/resources for Java resource files (e.g. properties files) src/main/webapp for configuration files |
target.uri.prefix. for.tests |
path for Java test classes | a valid relative path | src/test/java | | This option determines how the keys in generated properties files are assembled.SHORT ⇒ The key gives no indication as to which web page it is related to. LOWERCASE_WITH_CONTEXT or WITH_CONTEXT ⇒ The key starts with a prefix that gives you an idea about which part of the application it is related to, e.g. the name of a web page. The key is either all lowercase or has mixed case. This setting is to be preferred when you have many web pages in your web fragment/web application. |
maven.artifact-id-for-interface | This option defines the naming rule for the artifact id of the web fragment interface component. | You can use the variables ${capability-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${capability-name}Interface |
maven.artifact-id-for-ui | This option defines the naming rule for the artifact id of the web fragment component. | You can use the variables ${capability-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${capability-name}Ui | | This option defines the naming rule for the group id of the web fragment interface component. | You can use the variables ${capability-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${namespace-name} | | This option defines the naming rule for the group id of the web fragment component. | You can use the variables ${capability-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${namespace-name} |
maven.parent-pom-source | This option defines whether and how to set the parent pom for the generated pom files. Setting this to NONE avoids the generation and usage of a parent pom file. |
maven.version-properties-scheme | This option controls whether Maven properties are used to set component versions. NONE ⇒ explicit versions MINIMAL ⇒ parent pom sets the version property, all components get the same version FULL ⇒ parent pom sets the version properties, every component gets an individual version |
maven.artifact-id-for-app | This option defines the naming rule for the artifact id of the web app component. | You can use the variables ${application-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${application-name}Interface | | This option defines the naming rule for the group id of the web app component. | You can use the variables ${application-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${namespace-name} |
maven.relative-path-for-app | This option defines the relative path where the pom file for the web app component is written to. | You can use the variables ${application-name} or ${namespace-name} | ${application-name} |
naming-stateless-postfix | Names of generated EJB classes end with this string. | Ejb | |
test.generate-pre-and-post-conditions | Set this to false when you do not want ...Precondition() and ...Postcondition() methods being generated in test classes for web page integration tests. |
true or false |
true |
version.container | Define the application server and its version that you are going to use to deploy the application. Note that the JEE version is derived from this setting. You have to set this option to get a correctly set up application server specific deployment descriptor. | WILDFLY_10 WILDFLY_11 WILDFLY_12 WILDFLY_13 WILDFLY_14 GLASSFISH_4 GLASSFISH_5 PAYARA_5 OPENLIBERTY_18 OPENLIBERTY_19 |
WILDFLY_14 | | JAVA_8 JAVA_11 |
JAVA_8 |
version.jee | Note that when you set the option version.container , the JEE version is derived from that setting. The setting for version.jee is ignored then. |
JEE_7 JEE_8 |
JEE_8 |
version.primefaces | Set the PrimeFaces version that you are going to use. There are JSF runtime library version for PrimeFaces 6 and 7. The Maven generation makes use of this information to set up the dependencies accordingly. | PF_6 PF_7 |
PF_7 |