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Generated Files

Files for Applications

Modeling File Naming Description
entity [name]
where the entity does have an id field
[Name].java The class gets a JPA @Entity annotation.
entity [name]
where the entity does not have an id field
[Name].java The class gets a JPA @Embeddable annotation and can be used as type for field in a class that has an @Entity annotation.
entity [name] [Name] The class encapsulates logic to retrieve/persist data. Its purpose is to make that logic easily reusable, no matter whether the class is used inside or outside a JEE application server. It does not use any JPA annotations.
entity [name]
where the entity does have an id field
[Name] The class has methods that are going to be executed whenever data is read, persisted updated or deleted. It is used as value for a @EntityListeners annotation.
entity [name]
where the entity does have an id field
[Name] Normally, a persistence provider has means to create JPA meta classes that contain meta information for entity classes (e.g. by using a maven plugin). The JPA generator makes this step superfluous.
orm.xml This XML file holds mapping metadata and defaults. You can use it to override configuration that is provided through annotations and to provide commonly used configuration in a central place like for instance named entity graphs.
persistence.xml This XML file holds the definition of one or more JPA persistence units. The class has static fields and static inner classes that have the purpose to hold session-related data. The class is being used in entity lifecycle listeners for classes that have an @Entity annotation and that get utility fields createdBy, modifiedBy, creationTimestamp and modificationTimestamp generated.

Files for Testing

Modeling File Naming Description The class has some helper methods to create test data (strings, numbers, …). The zip file contains sample data that is going to be used by the test data generator class to create test data.
entity [name] Test[Name] The class has JUnit annotations and provides a test method for each method in the DAO class. The class has methods with JUnit annotations for the initialization of the persistence provider. That functionality is needed by all unit test classes.
entity [name] Test[Name].java The class has test methods testFind(), testPersist(), testMerge() and testRemove() and tests a single entity class. The class has a main method. Executing the application creates test data by using the generated JPA classes and the data generator class. The class has a single test method that has the sole purpose to call the test data generator class to insert test data into a database.