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Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions are used by all generator documentation. They help you to comprehend the documentation more easily. This is important in order not to mix the different levels of abstraction.


Wherever the name of a code generator is mentioned, that name is shown with an italic font and a grey background color, like this:
JSF Web Fragment

Model Elements

The Virtual Developer Modeler employs textual modeling languages. In the documentation, a model element is typically mentioned as a keyword along with a name [name]. Here is an example of model element: type [name]. In continuous text, keywords and names are highlighted as in the text above.

File and Directory Names

File and directory names are shown with a bold font. Those names typically contain names of model elements. The portion of a file name that comes from a model element name is shown in square brackets and with a yellow background like this:

Model: type [name]

File Name Rule: [Name]

Normally, the name of a model element is not taken as is but the first character of a model element name is either made to be upper case or lower case. The case of the first character of the [Name] part tells you, which rule is being applied.

Example: type myType with the file name rule [Name] results in the following file name:

If generation logic for more than one model element with different keywords has to be explained, the keyword is prepended to the ‘Name’ word like this:

kw1 [kw1-name]
kw2 [kw2-name]

File Name: [kw1-Name][kw2-Name]

Code and Configuration

Text that is found in code or configuration files is highlighted like this:

Extracts from code or configuration files that span more than one line are shown like this:

public class MyType {

    private String name;


In contrast to the display rules for file and directory names, a model element name is not highlighted with a yellow background color in order not to decrease the readability of the code/configuration.