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Datatypes of Component Properties

Every component that is part of a display relates to a at least one property in the generated DTO class. There are rules to determine the Java type of that property.

Component Type Java Type Comment
Button n.a. no property generated
Link n.a. no property generated
BooleanChoice Boolean
Choice Multiplicity = MultiValuedList<Object>
Multiplicity = SingleValuedObject
DateSelector java.util.Date
EmbeddedComponentGroup DTO class generated for the related display
EmbeddedContainer DTO class generated for the related display or layout
FileUpload byte[]
HTML String
Image byte[]
Label String
Map String
Range Integer floating point numbers are not yet supported
TextArea String
TextField String
Video this component is not yet supported

Explicit Modeling of Datatypes

You can also directly specify the datatype to be used for a modeled component. There are three ways to do it:

  • setting the option DataType for a modeled component
  • setting the option EntityField for a modeled component ⇒ the entity field’s type will be used for the DTO property type then
  • setting the option Entity for a modeled display ⇒ when the entity has a field with a name that is identical to the name of a modeled component, the entity field’s type will be used for the DTO property type then