
Virtual Developer Modeler (VDM) is a generic modeling tool for textual domain specific languages (DSL). It got developed with the help of EMFText which is provided by DevBoost GmbH. The tool is based on Eclipse technologies (EMF, Ecore, …) and a parser that makes use of ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition). VDM comes with a single DSL editor. The built-in DSL “gapp” allows for the definition of arbitrary new DSLs. The editor is capable of handling all DSLs that are defined by means of “gapp”. All model files have the file ending “.gapp”.

The purpose of VDM is to have an effortless way of creating models that serve as input for generators that run on the Virtual Developer Platform.

The VDM installation already includes some pre-assembled DSLs, that can be used to model applications in a plattform-independent manner:

  • UI
  • Function
  • Persistence
  • Basic

Apart from these DSLs the VDM also provides some platform-specific DSL extensions.